Wednesday, April 2, 2008

charle jewels....

sketchy. Saw spinning bear, aka slim-b, aka joy outside and decided to go say hi. Then i got stared down by some sketchy long haired biker gentleman who i thought was going to vigorously stab my face and neck. We decided to let him go and joy would cross at the NEXT opportunity. Probably a good idea, i dont know if she (or anybody for that matter) enjoys a good stab to the face and neck like i do, but she had to teach spin class the next day. other than that i managed to stave off a rufie from mark foist and somehow escaped un-drunk. Better luck next time huh?


Joy Joy said...

Better luck? YOu want a roofie from the Guru? I thought you were already drunk when i saw you! Hmmm. that guy was really nice. said...

Foist was in chahoots with the long haired biker. Their plan was to slip you a roofie and then, well, let's just say you wouldn't be riding your bike any time soon. Thank goodness Joy showed up and threw a wrench in their plan.