Saturday, April 3, 2010

Good ride with tom

Tom Bielaszka, certifiable badass, and i went for a bike ride. Whenever it came to running stop signs, i would just sorta run it, and then expect him to be like "Get on the ground dirtbag!!!" That didn't happen though. He was actually running lights which i rarely do. I figured riding around with a cop sorta makes it ok-ish. wanted to go for a ride on the dirt, now that's on hiatus til tomorrow. My road rig is "in the hole" according to walts website. My bike and my wife's masi (courtesy of john rubcic) may actually get finished up around the same time. Should make for some good fun.

Listening to a lot of Mark "dont call me mr kotter" Foist favorite of late, rush. He said i could find sweet rush gear on ebay, so i'll prolly look that up in a bit. Also, been watching a lot of supernatural, a show about the (you guessed it) supernatural. When people cough up satanic bees, or when you have to undo a curse while speaking latin, or you kill some zombie with a salt round, i dont give a rats ass 'bout the dialogue, its pretty safe to say im interested. Although, the dialogue is pretty bad. Hair is getting pretty long. Im into it to say the least. I should be doing podium hairwhips in no time flat.

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