Tuesday, April 13, 2010

you know you got a mechanical when...

I'm sucking your wheel on a tuesday night.

After Doing loch levin this morning with local werewolf woody woodruff, I decided to round up some supplies to build up a set of wheels for the sweetest local fixed gear aficionado around, Ryan Herrera. I decided if had enough time to get all suited up and swap the cleats over to my newly renovated pair of Maressi shoes (which function more like ballet slippers than cycling shoes, but they look SO sweet), i would go duke it out with the local roadies and get my ass handed to me on a silver platter. For me, i didn't do too bad. That's not saying much, but hey, forward motion is progress huh?

At any rate, if you are back at the back with me, either you got some riding to do, or, you got a mechanical. Luckily i'm a hack at a local shop, so when i heard a dude in front of me's derailleur tapping out a rhythm like a pendulum, i figured i would offer my assistance. The conversation went something like this...

Me: ...Hey, uh... you got tension issues (mind you im being kind because it sounds like an Immortal blast beat is coming out of his derailleur, WAY out of adjustment)
Guy: Yeah, thanks.
Me: Come by the shop and i'll fix it for you (mind you i haven't offered a pricetag, just a service that i would gladly give free of charge)
Guy: Oh, i can fix it, i just didn't...
Me: Oh.

If i ever offer assistance on a group ride, i'm offering as customer service on behalf of the local bicycle shop. I'm not gonna charge you. It's better for all parties involved if your derailleur doesn't sound like its going to burst into flames on the local group ride.

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