Saturday, January 23, 2010

house cleaning

let me just ease your mind by saying this post is not about actual house cleaning. Its about cleaning up this here blog. As much as i love my nod to the king, as well as my friends blogs, some of this stuff need updating. Don't worry, i don't plan on breaking the oath. Also, it should be mentioned, that i had to do a little sprucing when it came to the blogs i was following. Some gone (They'd still be there if they posted something every now and again) replaced with some new.

Also, cleaned up my entire itunes by moving all my music to a external hard drive. I have over 90 gigs of music. Even i was surprised at that. Listened to a lot of different music this year. Admittedly, it was mostly heavy metal, however, got into a few punk bands, some jazz, some blues, a little clasical, some afro-jazz, soul, reggae, some hip-hop, etc, etc.

Made short work of my single speed. Its gone to a mostly happy, and extremely inquisitive home. Dude wanted to know every piece of info i could give him, which he was stoked on, cuz i had a lot of info to give. It was a good deal for both of us. New mountain bike later this week (waiting is the worst) to fill in the hole left by the 1xspd. that things gonna be a freaking blast. My first foray into full suspension. So that's exciting.

Cleaning a little house in the old bone box as well. Some stuff going to fleabay, some stuff going to people who need stuff. My dude kyle is gonna pull off a build for like 480 bones. Better/less than i paid for my first bike. Ironically it has a lot of the same parts.

after all this is done, i should have enough for a set of wheels, which will put the kabosh on my road bike which should be wrapping up in like 2 months. Super stoked for that. Also, im pretty sure im gonna turn the mtb into a 2x9 asap. Just gotta figure out the BB situation.

All in all, its a pretty liberating experiance, and like none of it is completely behind me yet.

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