Sunday, May 25, 2008

cyclocross mania

As of late, things have been weird. I've got a case of the blues i imagine from the huge amount of blues i've been listening to. Mainly Albert King, Otis Rush, Elmore James (currently my fave). It seems the only thing to get me out of my funk was to perhaps plan for the upcoming cyclocross season (which is like 4 months off, i know). Anyhoo, i rolled with my friend sasha up to for park and plotted out a full cyclocross loop that involves 2 dismounts, and a run up, a little pavement and a little grass and a dirt road descent! It looks like fun. I should have brought my camera and plotted out a course. I think i'll do that tomorrow.

Im kind of wondering how i should go about the whole, "is this against the law?" aspect of bringing like myself and 6 or 7 people to practice there on say.... wednesdays? Im thinking im going to go with the whole "its easier to get forgiveness than permission" angle and just print up some flyers and whoever shows, shows. Unless somebody can get me an in with the parks and recreation department, and thinks they can make it happen that way. I'll ask around. And by ask around, i mean hope somebody will read this and do the work for me.

pictures soon.


Back In 1980 said...

I just got of the horn with Hank from the Fish and Game or Department of the interior. He said bring your 600.00 ecomonic relief check and sign it over to him. The parks system is your personal playground , just keep your wheels out of the potatoe salad.

ultraposer said...

Commando cross! nothing like it