Thursday, March 20, 2008


so here goes.

here's a few questions that need to be answered honestly...

why do i get dropped constantly? Because i suck.

why do i call riding a bike training, when im not fucking training for anything because i suck? Because i have an awesome sense of humor...?

Why would i want to pay money every weekend to get spit out the back or a race and laughed at? i dont know.

who am i fooling? Nobody.

i am slow. Im not getting any faster. Im not going to get any faster. The sooner i swallow that pill, the happier i will be.

why am i so frustrated? I just need to take a deep breath and realize what my place in line is. WAY at the back..... off the back.... screaming at the back huffing and puffing, begging the line to slow down.

what the fuck is wrong with me?

i seriously think im that guy. I am. Im the guy that buys a bike to try an prove to himself that he's not getting slow in his old age. I can believe it, but im THAT GUY.

un real.

1 comment:

ultraposer said...

Got to love gettin OLD