Saturday, February 2, 2008

overstanding dah roots.....respectjah

if it wasnt so lame to be a 30 year old skinhead, i would totally be one. I practically am now. I:

  1. listen to MUCH reggae nowadays
  2. work like a crazy person
  3. enjoy sweet 60's brittish fashion (need a tonic suit and steelcaps)
  4. own bleached jeans
  5. can grow/am growing sweet chops
  6. drink and fight (by drink i mean coffee and by fight i mean ride a bicycle)
on a totally unrelated note, i enjoy most of my clients, but some are a royal pain in the keester

on a further unrelated note if you call people your friend, f*cking act like it. If you slam your friends on your blog/to other people, or go to where your friends are hanging out and be total fun sponge, maybe you should re-evaluate who your friends are...? Be a friend to your friends. I have a person in mind that i am referring to as im typing this, but, it is not exclusive to that person. Dont be a drag, stick up for the people you care about, dont take them for granted, and if you cant do that, be honest enough to not act like you are their friend, because truth be told you arent.

i was born the wrong color on the wrong century in the wrong continent. I was a skinhead from jamaica who was a bad ass brittish track cyclist in my past life, its just coming full circle now.