Thursday, February 10, 2011

I...I...I just get so pumped....

Click on the link if you're a bike person and the sit down and get comfy for some bike ranting....

Ok, first things first, if you said the words, "I wonder how much it weighs...?". Or "won't that be a little heavy" or a similar phrase, please raise your right hand. Now, ball that hand up as tight as you can and punch yourself in the face. And I mean hard. Like you are collecting rent for some mafia don.

Point #1: Who cares?
Point #2: if you are a racer and the difference between winning and losing a race is 2 or so lbs, maybe do an extra interval during your no doubt grueling training regiment, and voila, difference nullified. Or you can remove a half a pound from your wheel set up and voila, difference MORE than nullified. Or you can make a right turn right off of a cliff, and voila, difference nullified.
Point #3: picture two people at the bottom of a the fire road at crafton. Lets say these 2 people are me and the fire marshal of the funless firehouse, Matt Freeman. It's a balls out race to the top. Matt's gonna win right? For sure, because after all, the dude hates fun. Freeman and I ride fairly similar geometry bike, so just for yucks, let's switch bikes and do it again. Who do you think is gonna win. If you think it's me, you're taking crazy pills. it's not the bike. Like, ever. And if it is, it's a loss i can live with knowing I came that close to winning on a WAY cooler bike.
Point #4: Next year when you have a hairline crack in your bb, or your head tube, or you have to have the weight savings of a press in bb x43+, you're getting a new frame. Then, when that one cracks or some other lame component is offered you have to have, lather rinse repeat. See a pattern developing? While you're experiencing the wrath of the math, I'm on the same frame. Classic staying power is priceless.
Point #5: Made in America, by a dude who has literally been building frames as long as I've been breathing.
Point #6: At the end of the day, we're talking about a bike ride. I highly doubt I need to be enforced upon the latest and greatest in aerospace technology on A FRICKIN BICYCLE!!

Do yourself a favor, consciously try and have a good helping of fun next time you ride a bike. Especially if you can't recall the last ride that was in fact fun.


Trish said...

Amen! said...

Hello Steven. Your blog reminds me that it's been far too long since we've gone on a death march Steven. I believe we're due for another one soon Steven. Lets do it before your son is born Steven. I don't want your son to see you in a weakened state until at least Leadville Steven.

Roosterweight Cimmarien said...

thank you hal.