Sunday, January 4, 2009

creeping up on a month...

...since my last post.  Riding a lot.  Going pretty well, but, obviously, i need to ride more.  Will be a lot easier when i get my rollers in.  Matt Freeman was voted off the island a few weeks back.  Good riddance says I.  Who the hell does he think he is?  Shows up.  Organizes a ride.  Gets cold.  He leaves.  Pretty sure that as they say is that for tuesday nights.  The nerve of some people.  

On a serious note, my hair is getting A: long and B: sweet.  As usual i am sticking to a strict diet of metal and hard rock from the 70's and 80's.  So i am currently trying to make the transition to clean-cut, respectable athlete, to long haired, hessian....athlete.  In related news, i think i might also grow a lemmy mustache.