Monday, March 2, 2009

when will you take me home lord?


6:30, wake up, breakfast, coffee and email check
7:30, hit he road for climbing intervals. Climbing intervals suck even if you are good at climbing. I am not good at climbing. So there's that.
9:00, hit the shower
9:45, arrive at work
12:30, ENJOY a lunch of low fat chili and two slices of bread.
5:20, PANIC when i realize i should have clocked out 10 minutes ago and should be on my way to welding class. Will have to make up the time on the road.
5:50, realized i'm 10 minutes away from class, plus or minus accounting for lights
5:52, blow light #1
5:54, blow light #2
5:59, arrive at class
6:45, start welding in the horizontal position. The steel, not my body.
9:10, arrive at auggies coffee shop for the sin of spin monday night ride
9:20, leave for the scavenger hunt
9:52, arrive at the UofR late, BUT the only dude with all the items.
10:05, say high to scott manning as he is strolling on state street with 2 acquaintences i do not know. We both do our best kayle leogrande impression
10:15, arrive at home. Begin recovery.

i smell so bad right now, it's attrocious. Feet and the sweat accumulated in all the activites post 9:00 shower. I'm re-thinking every cotton item i have on.

im gonna go lay down now.

If i haven't seen you in a while, now you get why.

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